About admin February 6, 2021

Entrepreneur’s Clinique is a business solutions company set up to help startups with a set of coordinated functions geared at launching them into becoming successful businesses. Our competencies also extend to helping already established entrepreneurs and enterprises take bold steps towards improving their organizations.

Eclinique Meda

Our competencies also extend to helping already established entrepreneurs and enterprises take bold steps towards improving their organizations. Our team of experts is committed to ensuring that entrepreneurs are aligned with all the necessary information and intellectual logistics they need to ensure their companies end up as successful ventures.


We conduct thorough assessments of businesses to identify areas for  improvement and develop customized plans to optimize their operations.


We provide expert business solutions and strategies to address current challenges and help businesses overcome obstacles.


Our goal is to help businesses unlock their full potential and thrive in today’s competitive marketplace.


Perhaps the single biggest cause of creativity failure is poor planning and inadequate knowledge of entrepreneurship strategies. Our Clinicians are specialist practitioners who can not only advice you on what to do, but will also be a part of the transitioning process including implementation, monitoring and evaluation. We can help you to make better decisions, reduce costs, plan and strategize effectively, build a more effective organization and develop appropriate entrepreneurial strategies to improve or revive your business. 

We start by understanding your organization: your operation, your competitive dynamics, your market segments, your business orientation, your objectives and your challenges. By viewing the world through your lenses, we can work to your agenda, and apply our global insights to your specific strategic and operational issues. Our culture of creativity, dynamism and reinvention means that your thinking will be challenged with a distinctive point of view.

Whatever the industry or sector, whether public or private, a strong strategic focus is critical to an organization’s continued growth and success. It enhances customer focus, stakeholder and community confidence, value proposition, aligns operational processes and practices with corporate and national objectives, and opens the way to long-term , sustainable performance improvement.

We at Entrepreneur’s Clinique believe that strategic development is perhaps the most challenging task confronting entrepreneurs, boards and managers. As a result, many strategies often lack clarity and vision and consequently are often difficult to implement. Strategy must be matched with efficient and effective operations. Entrepreneur’s Clinique focuses on delivering a customized, practical and entrepreneurial approach led by customer requirements and specifications.

Kwame Adom PhD
Dr. Kwame Adom
Chief Clinician
Dr. Pascal
Dr. Pascal Brenya
Boampong Akwasi Opoku
IT Lead